2017 14 Day Fasting and Prayer Agenda

14 days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 1: November 6, 2017

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Day 1: November 6, 2017

Memory verse: Matthew 26:41 Keep actively watching and praying that you may not come into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”

Pray to not enter into temptation today:
1. So that we do not take the weapon and power of prayer for granted
2. So that we do not be defensive and fight those for whom we need to pray
3. So that we do not quit on Jesus and those with whom He has asked us to stand

Jesus is preparing for His arrest, six trails, conviction, sentencing and crucifixion. While Jesus knows that His suffering will result in salvation for humanity, He also knows that it will be confusing and frankly terrifying for His disciples. Jesus always give the answer before the test and asks His three closest disciples (Peter, James and John) to accompany Him to the place of prayer. It is there Jesus instructs them to watch and pray because of the temptations that will present themselves in the immediate future.

While we can (and should) ask God to forgive us for past sin, we are wise to also ask Him to help us withstand and overcome present and future temptation. There is much happening that is designed to make us sleep (Peter, James and John were sleeping instead of exercising the weapon of prayer). There is much happening that is designed to make us become defensive (Peter woke up ready to fight and actually cut off the ear of a servant who just doing his job). There is much happening that is designed to make us give up (all of the disciples scattered when Jesus was arrested).

Because of the human condition of fight or flight, we are corporately praying today that we not enter into temptation. As Jesus said: “the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”


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About Thomas Clark IV

I am a husband, father, son, brother and friend. Most of all I love God and am committed to building His kingdom. I am a duly consecrated Bishop and currently serve as the Senior Pastor of World Deliverance Christian Center (WDCC), a multicultural church located a few miles west of Chicago in Bellwood, IL. I lecture, teach, preach and even coach a message of empowerment as I am committed to helping others be their absolute best. My wife, Felicia, and I have three children - Darius, Kyle and Nalisha Simone'. We also have a handsome and very inquisitive grandson named DJ.
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