From November 6, 2017 – November 19, 2017 we are praying and only eating fruit, vegetables, salad and soup.
Day 10: November 15, 2017
Memory verse: Matthew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.
Pray to embrace all God has for us today:
1. So that we will remember that God is our source
2. So that we will value and appreciate what He has given
3. So that we willingly share God’s benefits with the less fortunate
Jesus is teaching His disciples in what we know as The Sermon on the Mount. This is His longest recorded sermon in scripture. Part of the sermon was used to teach the Model Prayer (Matthew 6:9 – 13). Part of the Model Prayer referenced the way in which God provided daily bread called manna for Israel in the wilderness after they had left Egypt (Exodus 16:4 – 5). God did this every day for 40 years. The Israelite’s were told to eat all of the bread that was collected, but to only collect enough to feed them during the course of a day for five days (Sunday – Thursday) and on the sixth day (Friday), they were to collect enough for two days so that they would not work on the Sabbath (Saturday). If a household collected more bread than God instructed or tried to save some for the next day, worms would come out of it and the stench would be horrible. This daily bread limitation was designed to help the Israelite’s remember that all of their sufficiency came from God, day-by-day. God never wanted His children to worry about tomorrow. God never wanted His children to be selfish and hoard that which can be used to bless others. Why not? Because the same God who fed everyone today, would gladly provide enough for everyone tomorrow.
As much as we are encouraged to trust God, there are daily challenges which put our trust to the test. We would not need to trust Him if there were no times when trust was required. God is faithful to us day-by-day. God provides for us day-by-day. God will never forsake us.
It is tempting to ask employers for more money or do things that are immoral, even if they are not illegal, in order to advance. For saints, God is our source. He wants us to value that which He provides and look for opportunities to share with the less fortunate. It is important that we thank God each time we receive and share. Just as He provides for us today, God will provide for us tomorrow. He provides our daily bread. He is our Daily Bread. That is why we are praying to embrace all God has for us today.