2017 14 Day Fasting and Prayer Agenda

14 days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 2: November 7, 2017

Click the image for a Sample Fasting Menu

From November 6, 2017 – November 20, 2017 we are praying and only eating fruit, vegetables, salad and soup.

Day 2: November 7, 2017

Memory verse: 1 Samuel 15: 22 And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

Pray to know the sound of God’s voice and actively obey His commands:
1. So that we be righteous and not just religious
2. So that we not make decisions based on emotions
3. So that we submit to and support the vision and visionary of WDCC

God told Samuel to instruct King Saul of Israel to kill ALL of the Amalekites, including their animals. Saul decided to spare some of the Amalekites, including the best of their animals. When confronted about his disobedience by Samuel, Saul blamed the people and their desire to offer the Amalekite animals to God as a sacrifice (worship). Saul’s disobedience is why God rejected him as king. Saul’s disobedience is why God withdrew His Holy Spirit which meant that Saul was operating without the presence and power of God.

It is dangerous and arrogant to think that we know more than God about His business. God is not interested in how religious we can act. He desires that we be righteous and obey His instructions; even when we do not understand them. Religion and emotions are potential threats to our willful obedience to the voice and vision from God for World Deliverance Christian Center.

It is tempting to rely on what we “have always done” and miss where God is taking us next. That is why we are praying to know the sound of God’s voice and actively obey His commands.

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About Thomas Clark IV

I am a husband, father, son, brother and friend. Most of all I love God and am committed to building His kingdom. I am a duly consecrated Bishop and currently serve as the Senior Pastor of World Deliverance Christian Center (WDCC), a multicultural church located a few miles west of Chicago in Bellwood, IL. I lecture, teach, preach and even coach a message of empowerment as I am committed to helping others be their absolute best. My wife, Felicia, and I have three children - Darius, Kyle and Nalisha Simone'. We also have a handsome and very inquisitive grandson named DJ.
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