From November 6, 2017 – November 20, 2017 we are praying and only eating fruit, vegetables, salad and soup.
Day 3: November 8, 2017
Memory verse: John 13: 34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
Pray to have Godly (agape) love for one another:
1. So that we do not repay actual or perceived evil or wrong done to us with more evil or wrong
2. So that we are quick to forgive and slow to become angry with others
3. So that we display unconditional love
On the night in which Jesus took His last supper and established the Lord’s Supper, He teaches the apostles that the God-kind of love is the hallmark of those who are His. There were other teachers during the time of Jesus and many of them had disciples. Even John the Baptist had disciples. A disciple is an apprentice, student, or imitator of the one who is teaching them. God is love (1 John 4:8b). Jesus and God are one (John 10:30). This means that Jesus is love. Those who have accepted Jesus and want to be considered His disciple must also love people the same way He loves people – unconditionally.
True disciples of Jesus extend the God-kind of love and do not seek to get even with others. True disciples of Jesus follow the example He gave from the cross and extend forgiveness to others, even when they do not ask to be forgiven. True disciples of Jesus extend unconditional love. Period.
It is easy to only love those whom we either think are worthy or will love us in return. That is why we are praying today to offer unconditional love to everyone.