From June 18, 2018 – June 24, 2018 we are praying and fasting 12 hours per day (6am – 6pm) only drinking water.
Day 4: June 21, 2018
Read: John 13:1 – 5
Memory verse: John 13:4 He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. 5 After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.
A few days after Judas had argued that Mary was wasting ointment on the feet of Jesus, the other disciples make the same argument about the anointing of His head. It was also at some point either the same day or next that Judas decided to betray Jesus. This confusion from and among the very men He had trained and ordained provided Jesus with confirmation that the end was near and death was imminent. While some say “I will be the bigger person and rise above the confusion”, Jesus wanted the disciples to understand that the bigger person is actually one who humbles and lowers themselves to honor and serve those who are causing the confusion. Serving others in the midst of confusion shows that we are vulnerable to openly love those who may not fully understand or value our purpose. Godly servants help provide stability to unstable situations and people.
Pray today:
1. That you are used to help make the people and situations around you better.
2. That you actively honor those other people may overlook and,
3. For the boldness to openly love and serve those who do not understand or value your God-given purpose.
After you read and pray throughout the day, be sure to take time to listen for God to respond. Keep a journal to record what you hear Him say.