From September 17, 2018 – September 23,2018 we are praying and fasting 12 hours per day (6am – 6pm) only drinkingwater.
Day 4: September 20, 2018:
Read: Hebrews 12:1 – 2
Memory verse: Hebrews 12: 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Yesterday we explained that the book of Hebrews was written to encourage the Jewish converts to Christianity who, because of pressure, problems and persecution, were tempted to leave salvation in Christ and return to Judaism. If the saints were to remain committed to Jesus they would have to intentionally lay aside the internal and external hindrances that could potentially stop their progress (Hebrews 12:1). Additionally, they would have to let go of “the sin” that easily beset or skillfully surrounded them. This meant either the damning sin of unbelief or the darling sin of the Jews, which was an over-fondness for their own dispensation. “The sin” is the sin that has the most advantage against us, because of our circumstances (situations of life), constitution (our make-up, inclusive of sin we may commit without a lot of prodding or temptation), and/or our company (the people with whom we associate who have influence over us). We can sin by what we elect to do, by what we learn to do or by what we fall into because it is all around us.
Any sin that is prevalent, tempting to fall into and easy to overlook or excuse as being “ok” just may be your “The sin”. While there is no escaping sin, we do not have to fall into sinfulness. Remember that all sin is against God, and all sin is wrong.
Remember that all sin is against God, and all sin is wrong.
Hebrews 12:2 helps us understand that the way to lay aside our “The Sin” is to focus on Jesus at all times.
- We Must Focus On Jesus In Prayer: Luke 22: 40 And when he was at the place, he said unto them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation.
- We Must Focus On Jesus In Praise: Psalm 33:1 Shout for joy in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright.
- We Must Focus On Jesus In Sacrifice: Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Jesus is the prize we are running to obtain. When we reach out to Jesus, we will be able to let go of “The sin” that easily and skillfully surrounds us.
Pray today:
1. For a renewed focus on Jesus so that you do not give in to the various temptations of life,
2. To maintain appreciation to The Lord with thanksgiving, worship and praise. Thanking Jesus for what He has done, worshiping Him because He is worthy and praising Him for Who He is, and
3. To present yourself as the living sacrifice who will be holy and ready to be used by The Lord.
After you read and pray throughout the day, be sure to take time to listen for God to respond. Keep a journal to record what you hear Him say.