Word For The Day

Word For Today

God is omniscient. That means He has all knowledge. There is nothing you face, encounter, think, or decide that He does not already know. It is comforting to know that the things that surprise you are not a surprise to God. #BloomWhereGodHasPlantedYou

Word For The Day

Word For Today

God is not finished with you yet. He does not anoint you only to follow, but also to lead. You may never lead a church or even a group within the church, but you can lead your family, neighborhood, community, coworkers, and those in your circle of influence. #BloomWhereGodHasPlantedYou

Word For The Day

Word For Today

God is not looking for a group of mindless zombies who wander aimlessly as they live, eat, work and worship in the same place. He does, however, ask and even expect that His children lose their minds in exchange for the mind of Christ. Philippians 2:5 #BloomWhereGodHasPlantedYou

You Do Have A Purpose!

The Anatomy of A Leader – Pt.1

When I decided to write about leadership, two questions immediately came to mind: “What makes a good leader?” and, “Are leaders born or are they developed?” I firmly believe that God has a specific purpose for our lives, which means that from birth, some are destined to lead. However, I am also of the opinion that when the principles of…

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