When I decided to write about leadership, two questions immediately came to mind: “What makes a good leader?” and, “Are leaders born or are they developed?” I firmly believe that God has a specific purpose for our lives, which means that from birth, some are destined to lead. However, I am also of the opinion that when the principles of…
Category: You Do Have A Purpose!
Bloom Where God Has Planted You!
Word For Today
Each believer is anointed to work the works of the One who has saved and sent us. #BloomWhereGodHasPlantedYou
Word For Today
When God’s grace is present, our weakest area becomes our strongest so that we can still fulfill the purpose He has for our lives. #BloomWhereGodHasPlantedYou
Word For Today
God decided we were worth redeeming, and at the exact right moment, He sent Jesus to die so that all might have the chance to be reunited with Him for eternity. Thank God that Jesus rose to give us eternal victory! #BloomWhereGodHasPlantedYou
Word For Today
God created and saves us to worship Him, witness for Him, and work to bless others under the power of His anointing. #BloomWhereGodHasPlantedYou
Word For Today
True advancement in the kingdom of God is accomplished when we submit to His will, Word and way. #BloomWhereGodHasPlantedYou
Word For Today
God is concerned about your spiritual well-being. Thank God that you do not have to allow people, personalities or problems to prevent you from pursuing and fulfilling you God-given purpose. #BloomWhereGodHasPlantedYou
Word For Today
Do not consider your submission to leadership as a suppression of your anointing. Instead, consider this as your time of development and metamorphosis that will prepare you to someday stand tall for the King of Kings. #BloomWhereGodHasPlantedYou
Word For Today
When your identity comes from the One who is higher than you, you are able to identify with a purpose that is larger than you. #BloomWhereGodHasPlantedYou
Word For The Day
Your true identity does not come from your humanity; humanity is limited, temporary and fragile. Your true identity comes from God’s divinity, which is boundless, permanent and strong. #BloomWhereGodHasPlantedYou