Pray today for peace in your city (Chicago, suburb, etc.) so that your peace rest on all city residents.
Tag: fasting
7 Days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 4 – March 15, 2018
Pray today for peace over all of your neighbors, understanding that you live where you live by Divine providence.
7 Days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 3 – March 14, 2018
Pray today For peace in your family, calling your family members by name; be certain to also include family members you do not know.
7 Days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 2 – March 13, 2018
Pray today for peace in your workplace, calling your coworkers by name when possible.
7 Days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 1 – March 12, 2018
Pray today for personal peace to be a transformer to help peace reign in the life of others.
14 days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 14: November 19, 2017
It is important to maintain a regular prayer and fasting schedule as some things will only change when we do so (Mark 9:17-29). That is why today we are praying for the continued discipline we have established during our 14-Day Fast so that we can continue to experience His promised results.
14 days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 13: November 18, 2017
There is no illness we face that intimidates Jesus. There is no sin we have committed that intimidates Jesus. While man may try to judge us, once we are whole and/or forgiven they can no longer shame us. We do not have to remain where we are. That is why today we are praying for healing so the ill can become whole and confession of our sin to receive forgiveness.
14 days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 12: November 17, 2017
t is from a position of humility before God that we gain strength. It is from a position of humility that we help give strength to others as we pray for them. That is why we are praying today to do all things in humility before God.
14 days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 11: November 16, 2017
When we expect great things we continue to move forward regardless of present challenges. That is why we are praying today to live with expectation and anticipation of the great things God will manifest for us.
14 days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 10: November 15, 2017
It is important that we thank God each time we receive and share. Just as He provides for us today, God will provide for us tomorrow. He provides our daily bread. He is our Daily Bread. That is why we are praying to embrace all God has for us today.